Newslines is an archive of news about anything. It works like a kind of “Wikipedia for news” where anyone can add and edit posts to build up a timeline. The easiest way to learn how to post is to read existing newslines and copy the format for your own posts. You can also use our help system and ask questions on our forum.

Newslines posts must be:

  1. Newsworthy
    The standard of inclusion of Newslines is if something is newsworthy. This means that if it is reported in a newspaper or magazine, or if it is verifiable information from the subject’s blog. Note the information does not need to be true. Unless you are a newsmaker, your own opinion is not news.
  2. Verifiable
    Any post must have links to the source content. If you are making a summary of a news item from a newspaper please link to that article. As much as possible try to link to the original source of the news, not a reblog.
  3. Short
    All Newsline posts are summaries. Please use the minimum amount of words possible, but no less.
  4. Neutral stance
    We do not take sides in any conflict. We post positive and negative stories, as long as they are verifiably reported in reliable media.
  5. Neutral tone
    Remove all weasel words. Actors are not excited to receive an award, the simply received an award. Please do not inject your opinions or thoughts about the subject of the post.
  6. Present tense
    All Newsline posts are written in the present tense. Do not use the past tense in posts even if they are in the past.
  7. Do not repeat
    A normal news story will include a lot of background information. For example, a news item about a criminal will include the date of the crime. There is no need to do this on Newslines as the date of the crime will be in an earlier post.

Please be kind to other users. Bad behavior, trolling , spam and disruption will get you banned.

A note about paid posting and conflict of interest

PR agencies, paid posters and the subject themselves may add posts or correct information on Newslines. However be aware that negative stories that have a verifiable source will not be removed.

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  1. […] take you long to write news posts here if you decide you want to try it. They do have a style guide to follow but it all seems pretty straightforward. It looks like it wouldn’t be too hard to get […]

  2. […] your post referring to the Style Guide and the Help […]

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